

DD series double disc refiner


Equipment features:

After importing foreign technology for digestion and absorption, we have innovatively developed DD series double-disc pulping machine according to the original double-disc pulping machine produced by our company.

This series of double-disc refining machine is widely used for beating straw pulp, waste paper pulp, hardwood pulp and coniferous pulp. It is equipped with manual and electric operation configuration to realize manual and electric operation, or with automatic control system to realize constant energy consumption control or constant power control mode of beating, so as to ensure stable beating effect.

technical parameter

Grinding disc diameter(mm)Φ500Φ550 Φ600Φ660
Throughput(t/d)20-4030-60 40-8050-100
Power range(kw)132-200160-250185-315280-355
Slurry concentration(%)3-53-53-53-5

襄汾县| 浦东新区| 南郑县| 防城港市| 武冈市| 新化县| 庆元县| 樟树市| 鄄城县| 平舆县| 屏东市| 大新县| 武陟县| 兰溪市| 故城县| 巴中市| 汝阳县| 台东县| 昌都县| 永安市| 团风县| 柞水县| 海伦市| 双桥区| 竹北市| 西和县| 丰宁| 清丰县| 准格尔旗| 宜宾市| 乌兰浩特市| 呼伦贝尔市| 台东市| 辽宁省| 玉溪市| 汽车| 馆陶县| 博湖县| 古浪县| 眉山市| 临邑县|