

ZLDF- II single effect fiber separator


ZLDF-II single-effect fiber separator is mainly used for separating light and heavy impurities from waste paper pulp, and for secondary crushing of pulp from hydraulic pulper. This machine is equivalent to the combination of a sealed horizontal hydraulic pulper and a light and heavy impurity slag remover. It has compact structure and high efficiency. It integrates the functions of crushing, removing impurities and coarse sieve, greatly simplifies the waste paper treatment process and reduces energy consumption.

Plasma concentration
ModelZLDF-Ⅱ-0        ZLDF-Ⅱ-1     ZLDF-Ⅱ-2   ZLDF-Ⅱ-3     ZLDF-Ⅱ-4      ZLDF-Ⅱ-5      
Plasma concentration(%)≤4≤4≤4≤4≤4≤4
Sieve plate0.5 3- ladder hole with a diameter of 70.5 3- ladder hole with a diameter of 70.5 3- ladder hole with a diameter of 70.5 3- ladder hole with a diameter of 70.5 3- ladder hole with a diameter of 70.5 3- ladder hole with a diameter of 7
Motor power(kw)

兴业县| 通海县| 蒙城县| 辰溪县| 宁津县| 廉江市| 武邑县| 贡山| 双辽市| 云梦县| 洪泽县| 赣州市| 孝昌县| 南川市| 德江县| 仪陇县| 高州市| 上栗县| 安庆市| 北安市| 广灵县| 手机| 油尖旺区| 富民县| 蓝田县| 清水河县| 霍城县| 富民县| 体育| 绵竹市| 湟源县| 城步| 唐河县| 南城县| 额尔古纳市| 鄱阳县| 沾益县| 故城县| 沈丘县| 五家渠市| 九台市|