

Working principle of ZDL stacking screw type sludge dewatering machine


Working principle

1. Concentration: When the screw propels the shaft to rotate, the multiple solid-active laminates around the propelling shaft move relative to each other. Under the action of gravity, the water is filtered out from the relative moving lamination gap to achieve rapid concentration.

2. Dewatering: the thickened sludge moves forward with the rotation of the screw shaft; along the outlet direction of the mud cake, the pitch of the screw shaft decreases gradually, the clearance between the ring and the ring decreases gradually, and the volume of the spiral cavity shrinks continuously; under the action of the back pressure plate at the outlet, the internal pressure increases gradually, and the spiral driving shaft is successively continuous. Under the impetus of operation, the water in the sludge is extruded and discharged, and the solid content of the filter cake increases continuously, and finally the continuous dewatering of the sludge is realized.

3. Self-cleaning: The rotation of the screw shaft drives the moving ring to rotate continuously, and the equipment realizes the continuous self-cleaning process by moving between the fixed ring and the moving ring, thus skillfully avoiding the common blockage problem of the traditional dehydrator.

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